Christian MP3s

This is one of three Christian resources blogs I maintain (infrequently), the others being Christian Scholars and Christian Journals. I am conservatively evangelical, and will link only to MP3s that do not stray to far from my own convictions on the central issues of faith (with the usual disclaimer that I may not agree with everything in the MP3s listed in the entries below). I hope that this resource is helpful to some, and all feedback and suggestions are welcomed.

Monday, November 28, 2005

A few more sites

A few more MP3 sites to get things moving along...

Lectures of Calvinism Five lectures from C H Spurgeon and A N Martin, read by H Velez

Gheens Lectures (Southern Seminary) Lectures in MP3 format by Joseph Pearce on Tolkein and by David Petersen on Worship

Collegiate Conferences (Southern Seminary) Plenary session lectures by R Albert Mohler on the topics of Postmodernis, Sex, Why One Way and Has God Really Spoken. Other addresses available by other speakers in Real Audio format.

Tom Schreiner on Penal Substitution Other audio is available in Real Audio format here, but Schriener's is the only MP3, and worthy of a separate mention.

Gay Lectures (Southern Seminary) MP3 by D A Carson on difficult text of the Old Testament in Hebrews. Some Real Audio by Ben Witherington also available.

Mullins Lectures (Southern Seminary) 3 MP3 lectures by Ligon Duncan, on Christin life and preaching. Other Real Audio format lectures also available.

Henry Institute Forums MP3 downloads by Russell Moore, no topics covering eschatology, the Kingdom of God, counselling and Darwinism

European Leadership Forum Superb site, with materials on apologetics, culture and theology from a wide number of speakers (such as D A Carson, Henri Blocher, Darrell Bock, Peter Jensen, Daniel Strange, and Ravi Zacharias).

That should do for now...happy listening!


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